Heads up, this post is just documenting what and where I planted a lot of seeds recently. Pretty perfunctory.
I planted apacket of seeds of Tithonia rotundifolia (Mexican Sunflower)
Along the edge of the grass, on the south of the lot, all the way around to the BBQ area. I planted a seed in the middle of every concrete border section.
Also, I planted a few seeds out front, on the east side, in a basin where an agave didn't make it,
Or I had an emitter with no plant on it,
I planted 2 small segment of pedalanthus macrocarpus and a pup of the agave desmettiana in a spot where an agave didn't survive.
Now, as for the rattlesnake beans, I planted a lot of them around the yard, wherever I thought I'd have a place for them to climb,
By the grape trellis
Up the tiki torch pole,
Up the sissou tree,
Or up the palm tree.
I also planted some zinnia seeds, many different varieties. They've all started to sprout recently.
By the garden
by the middle sissou,
By the pomegranate.
I realized the other day that I didn't get any of the octopus agaves, agave vilmoriniana, I've potted to take. Around our neighborhood dozens of them flowered in May and June and they are an agave species that produces bulbils on their bloom spike. I've been guerrilla gardening them throughout the path of our morning walk, since there are thousands of them and some day the landscapers are just going to throw the stalk away.
I potted 10 bulbils, 8 here I'm keep outside, in the east side shade where they will also get watered with lawn.
I noticed the only one I do have from a few months ago has really done well since I moved it under the hanging flowers where it gets watered twice daily from runoff.
I also potted 2 for indoors in this great new pot Lori bought recently. The middle pot had some cuttings from the burro's tail, sedum morganianum.
I brought the succulent outside yesterday to see if it could handle the heat, but in the shade. I'd really like it to be outside. I've read that it doesn't tolerate strong heat, so I'm watching it closely.
I also potted the miniature aloe. It's an aloe hawothiodes or aloe descoingsii or a hybrid.
I found some seeds in downtown Phoenix urban permaculture display, and planted them in the hanging pot, they've sprouted. The pedilanthus macrocarpus is another propagation I did yesterday.
Finally, just an update photo of my other propagations.