Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Three Sisters

Zach and I finished up the irrigation leaks and planted our corn. We made 3 rows of 10 mounds each. Every other mound had 4 corn seeds, planted in a north south cross, 6 inches apart. So we planted 4 seeds x 5 mounds x 3 rows = 60 corn seeds. We also planted sunflowers on the north side, in six mounds. Hopefully we can see some progress and our project works out. The weather changed noticeable yesterday. Monsoon is here.

Also, just because I love it, here's a better picture of Jaws

And I forgot to mention I repotted our portulacaria afra (elephants food, or elephants bush)
These black planters didn't have good drainage, so I opened them up and put the portulacarias back in them, and moved them out into the sun.

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